The acknowledge segment is an integral part of any academic research paper and thesis. The purpose of this section is to provide recognition to all the contributors for the hard work they have put in, which can include:
- Authors
- Funding sources
- Administrative Staff
- Editing services
- Non-authors (friends, family, supervisor colleagues, etc.)
The information in the acknowledgement section must be brief in academic writing. Include only the names of individuals directly associated with the study.
There is a difference between a contributor and an author. The criteria to assign authorship include:
- He or she must have helped draft or revise the paper.
- Made substantial contributions (design or conceptual) or collected and analyzed crucial data.
- Provides final approval
Non-Author Contributors
Non-author contributors are individuals who are not directly involved in the research but provided valuable inputs. For example, individuals involved in seeking funding, those who provided technical editing, supervising lab staff, reviewing the manuscript for syntax and grammar, etc.
Acknowledgement for Paper Publication Samples
The sample examples mentioned below for acknowledgement for paper publication are designed to demonstrate how financial, intellectual, and other contributors should be formally accredited for their contribution to academic writing. Many authors write this section in haste and do not devote much time for it. However, researchers must understand that it is an important section of the research paper that not only establishes the integrity of the researcher, but also his/her collaborations and connections.
Tips for writing acknowledgement:
- Write in the first person (We for two or more authors and I for solo author).
- Maintain a professional tone, and formal language.
- Express appreciation and respect in the right manner for every contributor to your research paper. Avoid excessive flattery.
- The order of acknowledgement is also important, based on the contributions’ importance and nature.
- Use complete names of individuals, libraries, funding agencies, businesses, etc.
Sample Acknowledgement Example 1
The completion of this research paper would not have been possible without the support and guidance of [Name of Professor], [institution name]. His/her dedication and overwhelming attitude towards helping his/her students is solely responsible for completing my research paper. The encouragement and insightful feedback were instrumental in accomplishing this task.
I thank all the staff of [name of department] [institution] for their cooperation and kind support throughout my research period.
Special thanks to [name of the organization or individual] for data analysis and technical assistance. Their extraordinary contributions have greatly improved the quality of this thesis paper.
Sample Acknowledgement Example 2
I would like to express my gratitude to the following organizations and individuals for their invaluable support in completing this research project.
First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my [name of the supervisor] for his/her support and guidance throughout the doctoral programme. The [professor name] ‘s insights and feedback have been helpful in shaping the scope and directions of this study.
I am also grateful to [names of all contributors] for their assistance with data collection, analysis, and interpretation, which made the study possible.
I would also like to express my gratitude to the members of [names of research committee members] for their constructive criticism and valuable feedback, which contributed to enhancing the quality of this research.
Finally, I thank [institution] for providing the necessary facilities and resources to conduct my research.
I extend my gratitude to all for your invaluable contributions that significantly enhanced the quality of the paper.
Sample Acknowledgement Example 3
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the institution [name] and individuals whose contributions and support have greatly enhanced the quality and rigour of this research.
First and foremost, I am grateful to my primary advisor [name of the advisor] for his/her unwavering guidance, insights, and constant encouragement throughout the research period. His/her expertise and wisdom were an invaluable asset to this project.
I am grateful to the [name of the institution] for offering facilities and resources for this project. Their support facilitated the smooth execution of the research.
I extend my appreciation to my friends and colleagues, who have been supportive throughout and provided a stimulating academic environment. Their encouragement was immensely motivating during my challenging research journey.
Lastly, I am thankful to my family for their understanding, encouragement, and support.
Sample Acknowledgement Example 4
I am expressing our deepest gratitude and appreciation for the assistance and support received throughout the completion of this research paper. I want to take this opportunity to acknowledge the contributions of the individuals and institutions who have played a significant role in successfully completing this research project.
First of all, I would like to thank my [advisor’s name] for his/her invaluable guidance, encouragement, and support throughout this research endeavor. [name of advisor] ‘s insightful feedback was instrumental in shaping the directions of this research paper.
I want to express my heartfelt thanks to my peers and colleagues for their constructive feedback and wonderful collaboration, which enriched the intellectual discourse of this research project.
I would also like to extend my sincere gratitude for the support provided by [funding organization name/grant] for their financial assistance. The grant was helpful in facilitating my research related activities. These resources were crucial to complete my research successfully.
I acknowledge the editorial team’s and reviewers’ contributions, which strengthened the clarity and consistency of this research paper.
Once again, I am grateful to all those who have contributed immensely to my academic journey.
Sample Acknowledgement Example 5
I would like to express my gratitude to my esteemed advisor [name of the advisor] for all the support, instructions, and encouragement I received throughout this difficult project.
I am appreciative of the pioneering work of [name of the professor], whose study on a similar subject was an inspiration that paved the way for this project.
Last but not least, I would like to express gratitude to my friends, mentors and colleagues whose encouragement kept me focused and helped me overcome numerous challenges during my research journey.
Sample Acknowledgement Example 6
I would like to thank [names of professors] for their extraordinary support in this research project.
I am grateful for the invaluable support provided by the [name of the university] throughout the research process. The facilities and resources offered were extremely helpful and have been instrumental in completing this research project successfully.
My sincere gratitude to the editorial team, especially [name], whose careful editing significantly improved the clarity of the study.
Finally, I would like to thank all those who have contributed to the success of this research.
Sample Acknowledgement Example 7
Completion of my research study would not been possible without the support and guidance of [name of advisor/advisors].
I want to extend my sincere gratitude to my colleagues for their support and collaboration.
I extend my appreciation to my families and loved ones for their understanding and unwavering support during the course of this research.
Sample Acknowledgement Example 8
This research paper would not have been possible without the exceptional guidance and support of [supervisor name]. His/her knowledge, enthusiasm and attention to detail have been inspirational in shaping the trajectory of this project.
My sincere gratitude to the generous support of [name of the funding organization], which enabled us to carryout this study. The financial support received for our project is responsible for the significant success of the study.
I want to extend my gratitude to [name] for their support with data collection and management. The meticulous attention of [name] ensured the accuracy of the findings.
I am thankful to the administrative staff of [name] for his/her resourceful coordination in managing logistical details and paperwork related to this publication.
Sample Acknowledgement Example 9
I would like to thank [name of the professor] for his/her invaluable feedback and reassurance, which influenced how I carried out my experiments, analyzed my results, and interpreted them.
I would also like to thank my incredible mentors [names of mentor/mentors] for their unwavering support and insightful feedback. [name of mentor] has been instrumental in refining the methodology and scope of this research.
I want to thank the contributions of [names] for their helpful insights and assistance with literature review and manuscript preparation. Their expertise added credibility to the findings of my study.
Sample Acknowledgement Example 10
Words cannot express my gratitude to my [name of advisor/professor] for his/her invaluable support.
I would like to extend my gratitude to the research team including [names] for their collaborative efforts in collection and analysis of data. Their expertise has greatly benefited the study.
I would like to thank all those people who have supported me intellectually and emotionally as I worked on my project.
FAQs: Sample Acknowledgement for Paper Publication
Why do you write acknowledgements for paper publication?
Acknowledgements are written to thank people who have helped in the research project. It is important to give credit where it is due like your data and funding sources, mentors, colleagues, individuals who have helped in data collection, analysis, planning, etc.
How to write a good acknowledgement?
A good acknowledgement must include:
- Start with a gracious salutation
- Identify specific contributions
- Use formal language
- Be personal and genuine
- Be inclusive
- Express future gratitude
- Review and edit
- Include relevant details such as project titles, grant numbers etc.,
How do you put acknowledgement in a paper?
- Acknowledgement usually appears at the end after the conclusion. Steps to include acknowledgement:
- Create a title “Acknowledgements”
- Place it after the conclusion
- Write brief paragraphs expressing gratitude while maintaining a professional tone.
- Consider the order of acknowledging individuals
- Review carefully
- Maintain consistent style
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